Electronics123.com, Inc. August 2011 Video Newsletter
New Micro Camera Module: MuC30x-Series
a 1.8mm sensor and lenses as small as 2.6mm OD, there's a new
phenominally small micro-camera on our shelves. Available in three
versions with four optional back-ends, including USB & TV out or
with TFT or TV recordable, these units come with a 1m cable and are
excellent candidates for that new medical or other micro-imaging
solution. Click here for a video demonstration. Click here for a list
of of all available versions. See below for other links:
month we'll be featuring a video on yet another viable C328 replcement
- the Y201-TTL & Y201-RS232 mini-cam, now in stock!
Learn How to Use a Multimeter!
How to use a multimeter! This video is for all of you who would like to learn
the basic uses of a multimeter. Even if you just want to brush up on your multi-meter
skills, be sure to check out the video.
Multimeter used in video demo: DVM860BL
Other Multimeters:
With this
kit, you can follow along each month in our newsletter as we proceed
through the 14 basic projects that are in the manual that comes with
the kit. Here is last month's video introduction.
renovating at headquarters, we discussed the purchase of some new
combination door locks. You know - the
ones with the keypad and 4-digit PIN that unlocks the door? After some
debate, we decided to come up with a plan to build the locks, rather
than buy the expensive pre-manufactured ones. Here's how we did it:
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